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Being Involved as a volunteer for the BLANK BLANK Released Time Program has given me the opportunity to connect more with God as I support his teachings to kids in my community. " --Volunteer Lady

Get Involved

Released Time programs thrive through concentrated prayer and commitment of dedicated leaders and volunteers, sustained by deep and wide community support from churches, organizations and people of faith.


To support our statewide effort: pray on your own or with a dedicated prayer group, spread the word about Released Time, give of your time and money.  


Gather a team committed to pray regularly for Released Time at all levels: local, state, national. Pray for public school teachers, administrators and students, and especially for Released Time Bible boys and girls, young men and women...

Most have no church home; many have never set foot in church. How else will they hear about Jesus, who brings life abundant and eternal? 


RTBE programs give churches the opportunity to "go and make disciples" among the next generation. For many kids, RT Bible classes may be their only chance to experience the hospitality and loving care of God's people. How can your church get involved, statewide or within your community?

  • in church missions by choosing to support RTBE

  • in church services as Released Time teachers or volunteers share testimonies, praises, prayer needs

  • in church relationships by encouraging volunteers to take part in this special ministry and local mission


Your donations help spread the word about RTBE, bring Bible classes to new communities, grow established programs into additional buildings, grades, and districts, and introduce students across Ohio to life abundant and eternal.

Take the First Steps


  1. Check out:,, Ohio’s RT for Religious Instruction Law.

  2. Establish a prayer team

  3. Invite School Ministries Ohio to share with community members
    Interested in starting Released Time

  4. Schedule a visit with a current Released Time class


Step 1 of our "STEPS to Start" Guide

2. Organize
3. Plan
4. Cooperate with Schools

5. Prepare for Classes
6. Run Your Program

Request A Contact

We look forward to talking with you!

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